Want to get more done?


Productive ≠ busy

Clock, glasses and mug on desk

Every day we are bombarded with a million things competing for our attention (sometimes at the same time). It can be hard to focus on the essentials to deliver what you need.

That’s where the Productivity Primer can help!

The Productivity Primer can help you to…


Identifying your priorities as well as what specific outcomes you need to achieve & why that task is important means you can plan, and if necessary, quickly rework your plan for the day when unexpected things drop in. 

Your priorities aren’t just related to work – that’s why the Productivity Primer starts at 6 am and finishes after 7 pm.


Avoid distractions

We recommend planning every afternoon before you finish work for the day. You’re already focused on work, making it easier to think about what you need to do and deliver. It only takes a few minutes and will set you up for tomorrow’s success.

As soon as you’re in the office (or out of bed), you can get started on your tasks and priorities. You don’t have to think about what you need to do, you just follow the bouncing ball of the schedule you set the day before.


Knowing exactly how many hours in your day are ‘disposable’ will help you plan for maximum productivity.

You can easily set the non-negotiables that have to be done, and build the remainder of your day with the things that matter most.

The Productivity Primer story

In the early days of COVID-19, I found myself getting easily distracted, reading the news, talking to people about COVID multiple times a day, and when I got to the end of my day, I had not achieved anywhere near as much as I wanted (and needed) to.

So I designed the Productivity Primer to help keep me on track. It identifies what tasks I need to do, what I need out of that task in that timeframe, and why the task and outcome are important. That way if something unexpected drops in (as it does regularly), I can evaluate what needs to happen and what needs to shift to another day or time.

I found the Productivity Primer incredibly helpful in keeping me focused on doing what matters, and I thought it might help others too. The rest is history!

Woman wearing a mask using a laptop
Person on top of a mountain

Happy Productive People

It’s our mission to help you design your best day

Design beats discipline!